Our Services

Old Town Pools is a pool service company with a history of excellence, customer service, and quality. We are specialized in Pools, weekly services, repairs, opening and closings for both residential and commercial customers in Virginia, DC and Maryland.

Our Services

Pool Cleaning Services

Weekly Home Pool Service, Chemical Tests, Leaf Scoop, Brushing, Clean Filters and more.

Pool Openings

After months of cold weather we are here to help you. We will deliver you a clean pool and ready to use!

Pool Equipment Repairs

Our Mechanics are experienced and well trained to fix any repair in your Pool System.

Pool Closings

After a great Pool Season it's time to get ready for the cold weather. Basically we will close your Pool to avoid any damage to your system, pipes, tiles and more.

Plumbing Repair

Sometimes a leaking starts, a pipe brakes and we have the experience and tools to locate and fix the problem.

Winter Watch

Winter Watch is the service to keep your water level low to not damage your tiles by Ice. Also we will add chemicals to protect your water in the winter.


66 Broklyn Street, New York



Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm